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Podcast: Talk Policy to Me

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Season 5 Trailer


Season 5 of Talk Policy To Me is dropping soon, with new hosts Noah Cole and Amy Benziger. Listen and subscribe!



Noah: [00:00:05] Welcome back, Talk Policy To Me listeners. We're returning with new episodes very soon.

Amy: [00:00:09] In the meantime, we want to say hello, we're your brand new hosts.

Noah: [00:00:13] I'm Noah Cole. I worked as a researcher on the podcast last year and I'm so excited to return this year and to welcome a new voice onto the podcast.

Amy: [00:00:21] Hey everyone, I'm Amy Benziger and I'm thrilled to be co-hosting this year.

Noah: [00:00:25] There's a lot of policy to talk about since we've left.

Amy: [00:00:28] From the Texas abortion bill and the implications it has on our democracy.

Noah: [00:00:32] To the new Oakland A's stadium proposal and what cities get in return for building massive sports complexes.

Amy: [00:00:38] We'll also dive into new frontiers in renewable energy, what's coming down the road for vaccine laws, fair housing policy, and more.

Noah: [00:00:46] It's been a lot to follow, but don't worry if you haven't been caught up, we've got you covered here at Talk Policy To Me.

Amy: [00:00:52] Stay tuned. Talk policy To Me returns for season five very soon.

Noah: [00:00:56] All right. We killed it.

Amy: [00:00:58] Yeah. All right. We good?

Noah: [00:00:59] Yep.

Amy: [00:00:59] Boom.