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Thinking about Power and Privilege (TaPP)

Thinking about Power and Privilege (TaPP) is a student group at the Goldman School of Public Policy (GSPP) that serves to:

  • Create an environment of inclusion and connection at GSPP so that community members of all identities can converse, engage, and learn in a place where they are respected and treated with dignity.
  • Advance critical examination of power and privilege, both within our own GSPP community and, more broadly, in our training and work as policy professionals. This includes, but not limited to:
    • Hosting workshops and conversations on inclusion, power, and equity
    • Supporting student-led efforts to expand GSPP resources and curriculum to include these topics.  
  • Provide people with the tools to advance policy grounded in critical theory, historical narratives of oppressed people, and the lived experiences of local communities.

TaPP aims to create an inclusive space for engaging with the technology-policy intersection. We aim to foster insightful discussions, explorations, and analyses about how technology impacts fair societal progress. We highlight tech's potential and challenges, emphasizing policymakers' and tech leaders' roles in shaping effective policies. We strive to enhance the common good through collaboration between technology and policy. Everyone is welcome to join, contributing diverse perspectives that go beyond traditional technology policy boundaries.


We empower emerging leaders from GSPP to articulate and engage in nuanced discussions pertinent to their forthcoming careers, equipping them to navigate the intricate terrain of technology, policy, and society with confidence and insight.

The Technology and Public Policy Student Group is dedicated to:

  • Championing Equity Through Technology: We encourage dialogue about how technology influences equity, social innovation, and ethical policymaking. Our aim is to help people see how these factors connect and impact society as a whole.
  • Exploring the Nexus of Technology and Policy: We acknowledge how technology both leads and follows innovation in different policy areas. Our goal is to talk about using technology ethically and inclusively to advance policies across various fields.
  • Connecting Technology and Society: We can make a bigger positive impact by working with various organizations within and beyond UC Berkeley. Our goal is to bring together students, alums, technology, policy, and society to strive for a better future.
What we do

We're a community that explores tech's role in society, examining history, pop culture, and policy through discussions with peers and experts. With this insight, we drive change by advocating for impactful policies that matter.

  • Discussions: We discuss tech-related history, pop culture, current events, and policy ideas.
  • Speaker Series: Industry experts share insights through talks and discussions.
  • Advocacy: We actively support policies and actions we believe in for real impact.

Teddy Sherbin: teddy.sherbin@berkeley.edu
Barron Omega: barron_omega@berkeley.edu
Miray Salman: miray.salman@berkeley.edu