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Recent Publications

An Economist’s Guide to Climate Change Science

Hsiang, Solomon, and Robert E. Kopp. 2018. "An Economist's Guide to Climate Change Science." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 32 (4): 3-32.

Officer Health and Wellness: Results from the California Correctional Officer Survey

Using Qualitative Data-Mining to Identify Skillful Practice in Child Welfare Case Records

Estimating global agricultural effects of geoengineering using volcanic eruptions

Proctor, J., Hsiang, S., Burney, J. et al. Estimating global agricultural effects of geoengineering using volcanic eruptions. Nature 560, 480–483 (2018).

Approaching a Tipping Point?: A History and Prospectus of Funding for the University of California

Approaching a Tipping Point?: A History and Prospectus of Funding for the University of California. John Aubrey Douglass and Zachary Bleemer, UC Cliometric History Project, Center for Studies in Higher Education, Goldman School of Public Policy, August 2018.

The Joint Effects of Income, Vehicle Technology, and Rail Transit Access on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Boarnet, M. G., Bostic, R. W., Eisenlohr, A., Rodnyansky, S., Santiago-Bartolomei, R., & Jamme, H. T. W. (2018). Transportation Research Record: Journal of theh Transportation Research Board.

Higher temperatures increase suicide rates in the United States and Mexico

Burke, M., González, F., Baylis, P. et al. Higher temperatures increase suicide rates in the United States and Mexico. Nature Clim Change 8, 723–729 (2018)